Thunder Bay Public Library Wireless Services Terms of Use

By choosing to agree to the TBPL WiFi Terms of Service, you agree to abide by the Thunder Bay Public Library Public Internet Access and Use Policy.  Access is granted only if you agree to these terms.   All of your actions while online here may be logged.

Single Button Module


Please be advised that the policy includes the following: All users of electronic information resources such as the Internet are expected to use these resources in a responsible manner which includes:

  • using resources for educational, recreational and informational purposes and not for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes
  • respecting the privacy of others using laptops and public access workstations and not interfering with their use
  • making only authorized copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data
  • patrons agree to take responsibility for all financial transactions they perform on the Internet (eg.) online banking, shopping, stock trading, etc.

The Library assumes no responsibility for lost data or financial transactions which may occur during system down times, scheduled or unscheduled.

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