Staff Preview Week 3 Challenges

Staff Preview Challenge - Week 3

Let's make use of the NoveList plugin.

We added NoveList to our website to help with Readers' Advisory.  It's great for "if you liked this, try that" support and fixes a little issue we have in Sierra that prevents BiblioCore from displaying series information as nicely as we'd hoped.

Answer at least the first challenge below.

  • Earn ONE ballot for completing this challenge.
  • Earn a second ballot if you complete Optional Challenge 2.
  • Earn up to 5 ballots if you make a List for Optional Challenge 3.

Please note that these are multi-part challenges and you must complete all the parts of each challenge in order to be awarded your ballots.

Challenge 1:  NoveList - Series Info

"I just finished the fourth book in the Dublin Murder Squad series, but I can't remember what it's called.  Can you help me find the fifth one?  

This is a 2-part challenge - answer both parts to earn your ballot.

"*" indicates required fields

Hint: the NoveList plugin puts the series covers in order in the bib pages, so you can select any of the books in the series to find #5. In the About section, scroll down to "In the same series." Click "View all >" to see them all.
This is the page you'll see when you click "View all >" as described in 1A. The URL will start with ""
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Optional Challenge 2:  NoveList & Finding Read-Alikes

"Since I like Dublin Murder Squad so much, can you recommend another police procedural that shares similar elements?"

This is a 3-part challenge.  Complete all 3 parts to earn your bonus ballot.

"*" indicates required fields

Here's how: scroll down the bib page of Dublin Murder Squad Book 5 to "Explore Further" and, beneath "More about this title" click "View all from NoveList." Scroll past the other goodies on that page to the Story Finder and click off the elements you want to search for - you'll see the Story Finder Results change with every element you add. What book will you recommend, by which author? Which 3 elements does it share with DMS #5?
It will start with ""
If the book you wanted to recommend isn't in our collection, you'll see a standardized "Nothing found for [your title]" page. You can use the "Suggest a title for purchase" link under Library services on the right and send Ryan a suggestion! Put "we have it" or "I suggested it" in this field to complete the challenge, help us test the Suggest form and also spam Ryan a little bit.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Optional Challenge 3:  Make a Comment

Say something nice about a book you loved and earn an extra ballot!

Search a favourite book in the catalogue.  In its bib page, scroll down to From the Community and write a comment about it in the "What did you think about this title?" field.


  • You do have to be logged in to the catalogue to make a comment.
  • Be kind in your comments and don't say anything you might regret later.  Remember, we're trying to help our books to circ!

Once you've posted your comment, it should appear at the top of the comments in the bib page under "From my library staff."

Click the three dots (...) to the right of your comment and select "Permalink" to open a page with just your comment on it.  Copy the browser link for that page and paste it into the form below to submit it.

"*" indicates required fields

It will start with ""
Can we make your Comment public and potentially share it on the website?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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