Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid follows the life of four siblings born of Mick Riva, a star who is known by all. All of the siblings have built their own fame using their unique talents, with no help from Mick. Mick abandoned their family leaving their mother, June, on her own to raise the children. The plot of the novel surrounds the famous annual party held by Nina Riva but the story includes many flashbacks explaining the life of the siblings leading to and including, fame. The novel is riddled with a feeling of sadness. June becomes an alcoholic after Mick leaves, leaving Nina in charge much too young, and eventually June dies. The family is barely getting by on the income of the family-run restaurant, leaving the children to find money on their own ways. Ultimately, they are quite successful, each finding their own strength and working with it. At the party, a shocking secret is unveiled, and there is a fifth sibling, who is at the party in hopes to find her family. The suspense builds as the party gets out of control, gunshots are fired, police are called, a fire has started, and nobody knows that Mick Riva is at the party until the end.
It seemed as though the plot was lost many times. There were multiple storylines added that were just unnecessary. I did not like the improbable twists, such as the children being poor and struggling and then finding a way to use their talents leading to fame. Overall, the writing was unable to keep my attention and it took me a very long time, and many attempts, to finish the book.
Written by Makenna M.
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