Before We Disappear is a historical fantasy book written by Shaun David Hutchinson. The book follows two 16-year-old Jack Nevin and Wilhelm Gessler. They are both assistants to rival magicians, The Enchantress (Evangeline Dubois) and Laszlo (Theodore Barnes). The story takes place at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific-Exposition in 1909, where they perform their illusions, both only wanting attention and money. One night while snooping around in Laszlo's home, Jack discovers the secret behind all of his illusions. Wilhelm...he's a lot more than an assistant, all illusions performed by Laszlo depend on him and his "talent". Jack and his new friends need to free Wilhelm from Laszlo before the Exposition comes to an end.
The story was really good, but it had some sensitive topics like abuse and racism. It was about 500 pages and I had a great time reading it. Some reviews I saw on Amazon said the writing was childish and too simple, but I liked that about the book. I didn't have to put much thought into reading it and was able to read it quickly while retaining the information. There were lots of twists and turns I didn't expect, which made reading it really fun. Not knowing for sure if the book was going to end well or have a sad ending, made me want to read it more. I really liked the cover art as well, I know that doesn't really matter but it was really pretty. Out of 10, I give the book an 8, it was pretty good and I really enjoyed it, the only thing I didn't like was there is no sequel.
Written by Lierra Q.
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