Avatar - The Way of Water directed by James Cameron is a follow-up to the first movie Avatar released in 2009 which featured Jake Sully, a man who, with the aid of Eywa, their deity, has turned into a permanent Na’vi. In Way of Water, Jake and his family - Neytiri, Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk - must flee across the ocean when the humans return after leaving previously in the first film. The first half of the movie is used to get to know our main cast in order to foster emotional attachment as they traverse the new environment of the Metkayina reef Na’vi. We mainly follow Lo’ak, the youngest son of Jake, as he struggles against discrimination and bullying for having human or “demon blood” attributes like having 5 fingers - similar to Jake in the first film. The movie’s second part it is jam packed with conflict, hopelessness, familial love, tension, melancholy, and more.
Both this and the previous movie, in my opinion, are cinematic masterpieces because of the stunning 3D imagery, the CGI, and the fluid action scenes that allow audiences to see every detail. Without a doubt, this is one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen. Some things I enjoy about this movie are the parallels you see in this film from the first, as well as the siblings dynamics, especially between Lo’ak and Netayam, who showcase the challenges of growing up in the shadows of a sibling and what it's like to be a big brother and to have to step up to a big role as the son of a legendary warrior. To sum it up, it's one of my favourite all time sequels which I would highly recommend people to watch, as long as you're willing to sit through 3 hours of film!
Written by Taelynn
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