The movie Annie, directed by John Huston in 1982, is a family favourite film which can be enjoyed by audiences of all ages. Annie takes place in 1933. It is a story of a young orphan girl who longs to find her parents. This is not easy for her, considering she is stuck in an…
The Book Club Hub – Mysteries
By misslindsayo
Every month, a new set of book club titles will be highlighted in The Book Club Hub post. This month features mysteries. Mysteries are always a popular genre with our TBPL patrons, and they tend to be popular among book clubs as well. Mysteries give groups something to talk about – whodunit, how, and if…
YOUth Review: Little House on the Prairie (TV series)
By tbayplyouth
Season 1 of Little House On The Prairie starts off with an extraordinary pilot movie introducing the Ingalls family. The series begins with the Ingalls family moving out of the Big Woods of Wisconsin to a little house in Kansas. In the first episode of the first season, after the pilot movie, the Ingalls family…
YOUth Review: Before We Disappear by Shaun David Hutchinson
By tbayplyouth
Before We Disappear is a historical fantasy book written by Shaun David Hutchinson. The book follows two 16-year-old Jack Nevin and Wilhelm Gessler. They are both assistants to rival magicians, The Enchantress (Evangeline Dubois) and Laszlo (Theodore Barnes). The story takes place at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific-Exposition in 1909, where they perform their illusions, both only wanting…
YOUth Review: Caraval by Stephanie Garber
By tbayplyouth
Caraval by Stephaine Garber is a YA fantasy novel set in a world that hosts a magical game every year named Caraval. Sisters Scarlett and Donatella Dragna have dreamt of going to Caraval their whole lives. Scarlett writes letters to Legend, the creator and runner of Carval, every year, hoping for an invitation. This year…
Staff Review – Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton
By misslindsayo
Several years ago, I was gifted the laugh-out-loud hilarious Hark! comic collection by my brother, written by Kate Beaton. These comics, mostly written about historical events or classic literature, are so entertaining. Beaton’s first full-length graphic narrative, “Ducks”, takes on a much different tone. While there are still moments of laughter, there are many more of…
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